Brazilian sugarcane industry property and management internalization
Governança Corporativa, Financeirização, Profissionalização da Gestão do Setor Sucroalcooleiro.Abstract
The construction and development of a bio-energy market has placed the Brazilian sugarcane industry within the eager billionaire investors’ route towards conquering some space in the promising ethanol affairs. The industry expansion and re-struturation locks up either challenges also opportunities which many times can only be faced by the huge ones, which survive even when prices drop down as we see today, obliging small producers and the ones facing financial problems to sell their properties or part of them to the biggest groups which grow during these moments. Thus, much of the industry re-strutuaction passes by a capital concentration that is taking place, because of the intense fusions, acquisitions, and greenfield projects from national and foreign investors movements.Downloads
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Brazilian sugarcane industry property and management internalization. (2008). Nucleus, 5(1).